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Maglite LED Flashlights: 5 Reasons Why They are Worth Consideration for Brand Building

Maglite LED flashlights are becoming favored gifitng choice for many marketers and individuals. If you are still hesistant to involve them in campaigning, then you should read this blog, where we have elucidated 5 reasons for choosing them for brand building.

Custom Printed MagLite Mini

  • Serves longer
    Incandescent light sources were powered with batteries and they produced lot of heat and light. However, Maglite torches are lighted with LED’s, which use multiple light emitting diodes , which produces light and minimal heat. This is an efficient way of saving energy (wasted on drawing power as in incandescent torches) and lasting through years. This means your brand information is going to last longer than traditional torches.
  • Produces brighter and clear light than traditional torches
    Maglite is powered with multiple LEDs , which means the light produced by it is stronger than traditional torches. There is no chance of torch getting heated because LED’s produce very less heat unlike batteries used in traditional torch.
  • Built to last
    Traditional torches are produced using metals and are supposed to last long. However, Maglite is built using superior technology and is expected to last longer than traditional torches. The Maglites are often employed for rash use and has been preferred by military, police and fire departments, during rescue operations or special operations. The Maglite LED can be used for breaking car windows in emergency situations. They work well even if accidently gets slipped out hand.
  • No bulb replacement
    As indicated before, Maglite torches are empowered with LED bulbs, which are inbuilt with the product. This means you don’t need to replace the bulb as often as a traditional bulb. Also, LED lights can last for about 100,000 hours , which roughly translates to 4166 days of continuous use. Since, flashlights or torches are used in emergency situations for small time, which means the light is going to last for a lifetime.
  • Offers high value for investment
    Many marketers recoil from the thought of investing in this flashlight because it is costlier than incandescent light sources, but still it is worth of investment. With its durabilility, long service and shelf life, it is definitely going to serve you longer than usuall light source. This means by making one time investment , you can expect lifetime benefits. A person who receives it as a gift , would remember you for a lifetime.

Reliability, utility, affordability and adorability are the four traits that you expect from a brand building token, and there very few choices apart from Maglite, which fulfills them to the earnest!

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